Byredo - Bottle Painting Event

Bottle painting is a great option for retail events where customers can select an image, leisurely shop, and come back to pick up their personalized items. Custom paintings take up to 20-30 minutes per bottle to allow for layered paint colors and drying time.

Byredo - LYN Red Envelope Event

I celebrated Lunar New Year with Byredo Bloomingdales (SCP) by personalizing red envelopes as a gift with purchase.

Byredo - Engraving and Holiday Cards

Over the holidays I did several events with Byredo. For the Byredo boutique at the Americana, Glendale, I engraved their fragrances and candles. For Byredo wholesale at Nordstrom, I personalized holiday cards.

Byredo - Fragrance Engraving

Brand: Byredo (Americana, Glendale)

Event type: Retail

Activation: Engrave fragrances with florals and block style initials

For Mother’s Day, I engraved floral designs related to Byredo’s best-selling fragrances. To keep the design minimal with the brand’s aesthetics, I engraved block lettering on the side of the floral design.